Jeni Jones-Brown is leaving for
deployment, so Loki and she say a few words to each other. Since her
drunken shenanigans have plagued the town and she's racked up several
misdemeanors for menacing people while sloshed and generally making a
very public nuisance of herself, she was forced into court and
reached a plea deal to avoid jail time which involves her serving the
community by joining the army.
She seems to think nothing of Loki
casually wishing her well as she does not reference nor seem to
remember their first meeting.
She tells him cheerfully about how
she'll be spending the last few days before her work with the army
will begin. She intends to relax as much as possible.
Then her eyes widen and she hops
stiffly a few feet away from him to throw up onto the snow-dusted
steps of city hall.
Loki can't help but wonder if she's
pregnant, it would be a great was to get out of harsh community
service after all. He wonders who the unfortunate father could be.
It's not really his business after all.
All he ever did was scream at the woman
the night they met, and followed that up with a strict regimen of
avoiding her ever since. It had worked out on his end.
He gets a call then and excuses
himself, not noticing her brief flash of anger. She must be pissed at
But he easily forgets the exchange when
he hears the congratulatory greeting on the other end of the line.
This is a call he's been waiting for.
Two weeks later he's carrying his
meager belongings into a cozy temporary space far from home. The rest
of his goods will arrive in a day or so, just in time for the annual
toy fair. Most toymakers opt to set up holiday shops and tables in
places like Bridgeport or some other well-trafficked city, but Loki
knows that this little sleepy town is the origination point of all
great design, and day in or day out, the people of Midnight Hollow
were creating toys and innovating new ideas that would influence the
trade in the rest of the world. If he wanted his designs to be
recognized by large manufacturers and popularized in many cities, his
best bet was to host his showcase pieces here, where all the
scouts would be looking for inspiration and sales partners. It had
been no easy feat to gain space in town for his shop, this was the
third year he had applied for it, and the first he had managed to
gain acceptance.
There are local ordinances in the
Hollow regarding Snowflake Day, and every home or shop owner is
required to hang lights and keep them lit during the holiday month.
It's non-negotiable, and the resulting effect is something like
walking into a perfect model village that a tiny train set might run
through in some sim's grandfather's basement. Only it's all real.
Visiting a place like this feels very... surreal, magical even.

Despite his serious nature Loki is
curious about the place. After spending a day or so wandering town
and getting familiar with landmarks his carefully packaged stock
items arrive and he is able to set up shop dowtown.
There are no restrictions on hours and
very little recognizable daylight, so he is free to open or close as
he sees fit, so long as he is open for at least 6 hours a day. Most
shop owners also mingle in town after working or share stories of
travel and ideas at local hangouts, but having spent an excessive
amount of time sequestered on his marshy porch in Twinbrook, Loki is
not keen to rejoin society any time soon.
The set up is to his liking and
showcases simple and complex designs alike.
The sepia tone that saturates
everything in Midnight Hollow make the holiday feel much less
glamorous than usual, but ushers a silent respect into its place.
Oddly, toys and inventions seem to fit right in, and he's convinced
that he will be able to make this visit a lucrative yearly
Notably absent from his displayed
collection is the 'machine' he had invented. The visions it showed
him had left him questioning some of his mental faculties, but that
wasn't why he didn't think it was fitting to display. Ultimately it
had been built from pieces of blueprints left behind by old master
craftsmen that he'd discovered in the depths of the national library
during a research visit made years ago. It may be worth noting that
the machine did something, but the intent of the original
creator was very much lost on Simnation and the community as a whole.
Until he found some reason for it, Loki was going to put it's crazy
notions out of his mind and try to focus on things that had a chance
to sell.
Although he'd been plagued by some odd
feelings of familiarity ever since he'd arrived in this town, and he
couldn't shake his mind from the possibility that there was some
legitimate foretelling of future encounters within that machine, but
the fact alone that it was supposed to show only potential timelines
for the person who stepped inside, and only directly into their own
psyche in a conveniently unprovable manner didn't sit well with
Loki's somewhat honest nature. If he couldn't account for or explain
the visions, the machine was nowhere near ready to be exposed to the
general public. Not that he minded being a guinea pig, but it was
probably going to cost him a lifetime of study to uncover any
legitimate secrets that lay within it's robust walls.
This afternoon had been a quiet one in
the shop. Loki had taken to dusting and re-positioning items in
impatience, and had been unable to sit still. He hadn't done poorly
so far in regard to sales, but the initial excitement of visitors
from seeing his inventions as new and novel had somewhat worn off in
the last two weeks, and the traffic on this side of Simsigon Alley
had dwindled to a fair trickle as people had moved on to parties and
time spent with family.
The afternoon was also the slowest part
of the day, which, assumably and without the presence of a bright
strong sun above it was difficult to say, the time now was.
Loki would be lying to himself if he
didn't admit that it was bittersweet, him working here and creating
toys for children that he himself was never likely to have. True, he
could find some bimbo and have an accident or two, but the feeling of
family would be incomprehensibly vacant and he knew that he could
well end lonelier afterwards than he was now. He wanted a family with
the right person, whoever that was supposed to be.
He is still, lost in thought and has
been for the better part of an hour without noticing that much time
has passed.
Silently almost, a well-dressed woman
wonders in and begins to admire a simple piece without addressing
him. If it had not been for the sound of the building wind outside he
wouldn't have heard the door opening and closing behind her soundless
She too, radiates a aura of familiarity
that makes Loki shift uncomfortably from one foot the other. He's
sure he's never met her before, and he doesn't watch a whole lot of
television back at home. Something about her resonates within him
that she is significant.
He turns to watch her out of the corner
of his eye. She seems entirely engrossed in the replica time-keeping
device in front of her, and both are aware of each other's presence,
but neither speak for a while. It's like they're taking in the
“This all feels very familiar.” She
comments, and finally he turns, intrigued, to face her directly.
She's beautiful, which for some reason
annoys him. The way she carries herself, the poise and confidence,
the fact that she doesn't turn to truly acknowledge him even as her
comment is the reason he's paying her any sort of attention now, all
these things give the impression that she feels herself superior.
He doesn't find himself attracted to
her in the conventional way, but merely by some sort of curiosity he
begins a conversation. “It's a timekeeping device.” He offers a
simple explanation. “The inner gears are exposed without being
covered, and at the advent of the steam age machines were showcased
mostly for being unusual before they became essential to society in
different ways. So this type-”
“Yes, thank you. I understand it.”
She cuts him off. Then, and he takes it as her effort to not seem
rude, she bows lightly. “I do have a question for you, Sir.”
'Sir', he thinks, but raises his
eyebrows. A moment later he realizes she was still waiting for him to
speak. “Ah, yes please... go ahead?”
She turns enough in his direction that
her lilac eyes stand out, peaking behind a curtain of elegantly
curled hair.
“I am searching for... my sister.”
The woman confesses, with what seems an absurd lack of worry in her
polite voice. “Please pardon the fact that I don't seek to make a
purchase in your pleasant little store.” She amends, and suddenly
seems like less of a snob.
“Has she been missing long, or were
you recently separated?” He asks, ignoring the apologetic part of
what she said.
She shakes her head slowly,
thoughtfully. “Not more than since the morning, I shouldn't think.
And she is well able to care for herself, but if you see someone who
looks very much like me, well,- would you give her a message on my
Loki quirks an eyebrow but sees nothing
wrong with this. “Sure. I can do that. What's your message?”
“Tell her, she needs to mind the
date. Also, and say this exactly- 'I'm positive'.”
“You're positive that she needs you
to mind the- uh, the date?” He repeats, confused a bit.
“Say it exactly as I told you. “Your
sister has a message, she says you need to mind the date, and
I'm positive.”
He tilts his head but gets no further
explanation. “And saying that, will help your sister not to be
She smiles slightly. “It will.”
“And she looks like you.”
“But don't actually need help
looking, are you sure?'
“Yes. Thank-you.” The cadence of
her words follows a perfect pattern as if she would never string them
together a different way.
“Does she, or you for that matter,
have a name?” He asks, but finds that the evasive woman in a pale
green evening dress is already crossing the threshold of his shop and
stepping foot outside.
At least that woman was amusing, and he
was no longer bored. Loki feels a small smile spread over his
features. Not that the women of Midnight Hollow seemed like marriage
material, or even slightly date-able, but they were, intellectually,
superior to the loosely-moraled women of Twinbrook. He is seriously
beginning to doubt that he'd ever find a woman worth his time.
That one probably had men falling all
over her and yet, he felt nothing. Maybe this trip was good for
something other than work, since it seems there will be some manner
of self-discovery along the way.
The woman, for her part, didn't
particularly care about the thoughts of the man she'd left standing
in his shop. Men's thoughts were simple and all that really mattered
to her is that he do what was asked of him, if he were given the
But she sensed that he would be to her
sister's liking and there was as strong likelihood that the two would
meet under, somewhat favorable circumstances. Knowing her sister,
Moira had to be wandering around in the middle of town somewhere in a
muddle of her own self-loathing, hating everything that she was.
It was only a matter of time.
Which turns out to be entirely true.
Very late that evening (Loki had kept
the shop open for more like ten hours today), he went to the alley to
unpack more toys and prepare for tomorrow. The simple cradle toys had
proven to be the most popular, so he is grateful that he thought to
ship several dozen out here in advance of the trip.
The buildings here are ancient, and
devoid of proper storage facilities because the people who built them
centuries ago did not own many material possessions. There is also
scant crime and a barely existent deviant population (mostly because
the town council has managed to make it nearly impossible to
immigrate here and the population is aging). This means that most
storage is in the back alleyways behind the shops, in the twisting
thoroughfare of sharp angles and dead ends and shortcuts that is
either incredibly convenient or obnoxiously elaborate depending on
where one is trying to go.
Loki knows the way well now and his
crates are in an area designated for his shop, there's a system after
all. The familiarity of the route does not diminish the feeling of
unease that comes over him as it's a particularly chilly evening and
mist clings to the ground as if he'd stepped onto the soft soil of a
vacant graveyard, waiting with open arms for the coming of the newly
Being a practical sim in all things,
Loki ignores the prickling of the hairs on his arms and begins to
extract another day's portion of toys from his shipment, until a
noise catches his attention to the side.
Slowly he rises- that way is the street
so it's easily the noise of passersby despite the lateness of the
hour- and takes a step or two in the direction of the sound, leaving
one of the toys behind him, forgotten.
When thinking about this moment later he
would never be able to decide if turning towards the street was a
decision he made on his own, or if another force had compelled him.
He doesn't have to go far to find
something unusual, and again impossibly familiar.
Not thirty feet in front of where he
stands, a woman lies on her side, her neck bent at an awkward angle,
her skin the color of lifelessness.
His heart, despite the shock of the
moment begins to hammer in his chest in an angry rhythm.
The machine showed him this. Not only
this moment, but a combination of them. It was the green woman's
sister, it had to be. He doesn't suspect this because he's gotten any
closer to the body, but because he's seen it in the collective mind
of the immediate future.
There was a vision shown him where the
woman in green had known all along. She seemed to be standing guard,
almost. As if her sister lying dead was not the end of anything, but
merely as if both women were waiting.
There was a vision where he merely
walked by, into the street, and to the nearest bar or establishment
to call for help. Why this version of him did not simply extract his
cell phone from his pocket was unclear, but some kind of knowledge or
fear kept his legs, stiffly moving, away from the scene as if he
could escape that he bore it witness.
This version, which he was just going
to call reality, has a decision to make. For several moments nothing
stirs outside despite the fact that the wind earlier in the night had
been formidable, echoing in angry presence against the windows of the
stores, and chasing people who had been out walking into warmer
places for the evening's remainder.
Even though the somber and deathly mood
of the alley was forcing the wintry chill through his sweater right
now, he didn't want to leave the woman's body alone. She may have
fainted from lack of sleep or sustenance, despite the angle of her
neck it might not be broken. She may yet be alive. The thought sent a
thrill down his spine and for some reason he found it rang true,
though no evidence could prove it.
At the same token, dare he move her?
He does, and realizes that he has no
idea what happens now.
After a careful examination of her neck
and finding no injury, but feeling her skin was clammy to the touch
as if she was in a state of shock, he lifted her carefully into his
Her sister had given him a message, but
the woman didn't seem to be in any state to hear it. He moves a few
strands of dyed purple hair out of her face and feels her body
shudder at his touch.
“How long have you... been here?”
He asks her gently.
But there is no response.
“So will it matter if I say I've seen
your sister? She needs you to 'mind the date', and 'I'm positive'?
Does that mean anything to you, Miss?”
The woman's lips part as if to speak,
but a hollow moan comes out. “Oh...” How appropriate for the
chilly setting. He shivers, despite himself. There are no cars on the
road, is he supposed to walk her like this, to the hospital?
“Oh.” She says, her eyes rolling
slightly open. “Oh. Po-”
And then with a sigh she shuts her
eyes, as if rescue has come at last.
“Positive.” She rasps, and lunges.
It happens quickly, in a flash of
inhuman speed. She twists in his arms, grabs his wrist ferociously
with a claw-like hand and pulls it away from him, he stumbles towards
her, off balance as something slender and white shines briefly
despite the lack of moonlight. It's a new moon, he thinks,
ridiculously, there is nothing for her teeth to be reflected off of.
As he stumbles she is on the other side
of him and the fangs he knows he saw and yet couldn't have seen are
sinking, needle like, into his neck.
After the acute sharpness he feels a
shock of that cold fear that he had failed to obey earlier in the
alley crash over him in waves as she drinks, drinks from his
The horror of the moment alone makes
him nearly pass out and he drops her and falls forward at the same
She clings to his neck all the way
down, still drinking and is only dislodged when his knees crack
painfully against the clammy stones of the alley beneath them and the
impact bucks her to the ground in front of him. There she lays on the
pavement as if despite that great burst of energy that enabled her to
assault him she has very little left, her chest rises and falls in
great heaving breaths as if the moment was a struggle for her very
Loki, by comparison, is feeling as if
his life is fading, this is much more than a mere moment of dizziness
as he might have experienced back when all he did was simply invent
things, and nobody was there to remind him to have a bite to eat. This was a dizzying and painful reminder of his own mortality.
A part of him as his consciousness
fades is forced to acknowledge that even if this is not the end, he
will never be able to live his life in the same way again.
However, how absurd would it be if this
were not the end?
It's not really a cliffhanger if I'm
writing the next part right now, is it?
Yes, yes I totally went all over
Midnight Hollow clicking on doors and hanging Christmas lights. It
was worth it! :D That place is gothicly beautiful in the snow, and
very well enhanced by the hanging of thousands of simulated little
I also created a Christmas lot in the middle of the town,m but never used it despite hours of prep work. :/ Sounds like me alright!
I also created a Christmas lot in the middle of the town,m but never used it despite hours of prep work. :/ Sounds like me alright!
I had Loki make everything that was on
display in his shop- had to buydebug for some others like the flux
capacitor which he didn't earn in my game. Also the time machine
seems to have almost nothing to do with the rest of the inventor's
creations, except possibly the simbot, but it's a real weird jump
from children's toys to educational toys to a freaking time machine.
Maybe if he was an artist and inventor? So it made more sense
to me if he'd build onto someone else's research (all inventors do
that) and create one so he could explore in it.
Lot of non-use! It has couches for pictures with Santa, and I don't have better pics I don't think;
Lot of non-use! It has couches for pictures with Santa, and I don't have better pics I don't think;
Wow, this is a beautiful chapter, I was completely enchanted <3
ReplyDeleteThank you very much! I sort of agonized over stringing all the nonsensical screenshots I had taken together in a meaningful way, so I greatly appreciate your comment! :3
DeleteI really really enjoyed this chapter. The narrative was great, and the shots flowed well. The entire thing gave me that feel of otherwordliness. Loved it <3
ReplyDeleteAnd I think I'm in love with that christmas lot of yours. So pretty!
Thank you very much! That world is something of a challenge but it cleans up real nice, it takes a lot of time to brighten up individual tiles in homes so you can see what's going on but the colors things are made with are old world charmy. They put a lot of work into it just to make it too dark to play >:O It sort of makes we want to darken places in that boardwalk world? Just to see what it would be like 'aged'.
DeleteBut I didn't want to use Bridgeport as a place to find supernaturals, and somewhere the whole selling toys for Christmas thing clicked. I'll see if I can't find a way to share that lot, or if I still have a version with better pictures (not my best shot there). I'm so glad you liked the style of narration! (I second guess EVERYTHING) >_>;
I need to go back and find out where Loki is from. :o
ReplyDeleteFor now though, I enjoyed how you wrote Midnight Hollow as a cute Christmasy place instead of the dark, creepy place it usually is. It made that sudden creepy vampire attack even more terrifying O-O
Loki is a premade from Aurora Skies in TS3, but if you ever played Sims 2, he has a notorious backstory. It was kind of crazy that I stumbled upon him as I forgot about him and TS3 is technically a prequel to 2 (I explain more in my note on the next update)
DeleteHe first shows up in the blog in .08 Progress, as one of Dustin's friends from school.
Whoa, I love the Midnight Hollow houses all dressed up for Christmas! It looks like a little gingerbread village!
ReplyDeleteHmm, I think the experimentations Loki is doing with his machine may result in him becoming an evil mad scientist who experiments on very nervous subjects...
I was just wondering what kind of supernatural she was. >.> Did you mod out the vampire skin glowyness? :O I feel tricked!
These sisters are really trouble, aren't they? She practically killed him, but didn't even revive herself, either! What's up with that?
Oooh, now I really want to see Santa at your venue. That one bright spot in the middle of the darkness of Midnight Hollow is kinda eerie, though. Kinda like a Tim Burton aesthetic.
Yeah but I think if I got into Nervous and everyone else it wouldn't really be the Sparrow's story any more. But I've concluded that Loki's not crazy, so much as doesn't understand 'common sense' :p
DeleteI didn't make a Santa, we have to use our imagination.
I'm guessing it takes Vampires time to metabalize the blood, also she and her sister are likely purebred, but I'm not going to get into that in this story as I'd need to hammer out more details and they really are minor characters at this point.
The skin... I don't know about that. I really have never played with Vampires before as they freak me out (the only supernatural I've ever played with are fairies so the rest are somewhat mysterious to me lol). But I probably darkened their skin tone a bit because I wanted them to seem more like everyone else.
I love how Midnight Hollow looks! I've never played it for more than a few days but it's an amazing town.
ReplyDeleteI spoiled for myself what happens next. XD
You really need a lighting mod to play it for more than a few sim days. The premades are a literal freight to look at, but it cleans up well. One of these days I should make a blank world of it with everything brightened, but that would take an insane amount of work. I just love how it's nestled in the mountains, and I wish they could snow board all over it! But it's tiny too, so I'm not sure if I'd use it much.
DeleteI'm not sure how that's your fault, I get excited when I stack updates in thread and start giving things away like a goofball.
Oooh, I should have totally read Loki's parts earlier, that was really well written ♥ And now that I know that he's the TS2 Loki it's even more interesting! I played TS2 almost exclusively with premades so I remember him well (though he had another name in the german version)
ReplyDeleteMidnight Hollow looks beautiful and with the christmas lights even more so!
Also could you please link me the chapter with the time machine pictures? I remember commenting on it but I just can't find it anymore :(
! What's his name in German? I never used the premades in my TS2 days, but I knew about the Goths and I didn't remember Loki until I looked him up. I played all of TS2 with my Simself and boyfriend's family, I think I never even made a witch or plantsim.
DeleteYeah I might use Midnight Hollow when I need a holiday vacation spot if I can manage to save that version of it. I miss the 3 lakes from TS2, I used to send all my simmies there for Christmas vacation! T_T I wish there was a three lakes in TS3.
It was called Glimpse...