Saturday, July 29, 2017

0.09 Non Sequitur

Eugene's words rattle around in Meghan's head the next few days, despite her abrupt dismissal of them. Dustin's acting the same as he always has, and nothing seems different about him. Her mind being the way it is, it helps her to focus on one issue though, and she decides she does sort of want to know if there's someone he likes. Not that she wants to ask him a question she barely understands the best answer to.

Also, what does like really mean? Kids make out all the time in the emergency stairwell at school, then say they're just friends or they say they 'like' each other and then nothing ever changes. If she had to think about the word 'like' it could mean anything, and being logically minded she just gets tripped up paging through the thesaurus and can't fathom the context any longer. There were few people she didn't like after all, so what's the big deal about 'like'? Wouldn't the world constantly be at war if people didn't like each other?

Dustin tries, for the most part to hint at how he feels without putting pressure on her about responding. Most of these attempts end as non-sequiturs because he can't bring himself to take it far enough for her to understand. When he takes Eugene's advice and compliments her intellect for example, the response he gets is, “You not nearly as dumb as your cousin keeps saying either.” With something like a teasing smile and a shrug.

When he gets her a book she'd been eyeing at the bookstore that he knows she's been wanting for weeks, she's thankful, but tells him she wants to pay him back for it. “It's a gift...” He mutters, but she shakes her head.

“Nope no way am I going to owe you more than I already do.” She says with confidence.

“You don't owe me anything.” He tries to say, but she just looks at him knowingly. “Friends don't take advantage of each other and I want to pay you back so drop it.”

He drops it.

Overall though he muses that Meghan... is so easy to talk to. Even if what they have remains as mere friendship, it wouldn't be so bad, he thinks. 

That's a lie though, it would be horrible. But right now, he's happy with the little things.

And then it gets weird. It always gets weird. It's pretty obvious to everyone in the house by now that something is going on with her. It's assumed to be because of her childhood 'upbringing', but what if that's not where it comes from? Here she's offering to fight off the horde of computers that might one day take over the world. Or telling Dustin that he'd better not secretly be one, it's not clear which.

Smooth recovery. He gets her on the tangent, “What if you're a machine and you just don't know it yet? What then?”

“Then prepare for the feel of my digital army boots that will grind you into the pavement?” She offers. “Also I demand that wifi be free everywhere so I can autopilot the mother-ship from Earth.”

Oh you! It makes her feel sort of normal that he plays along with her fantasy world. Things like that mean more than random gifts or compliments to her. On her own, she might have started to believe her theories. Cell towers are up everywhere these days, and there's not a room at school that doesn't have a computer in it. She tried not to dwell on it, or maybe she should just learn how to tame the monsters so they can never hack HER brain when the time comes that they make their move. 

They run off to play some chess so that he can be her deputy overlord and compete with all the computer brains to rule by her side. If things ever escalate to that point in the crypto-human war, of course.

“So did you find out who he likes?” Eugene asks Meghan discreetly after a late night meal which she begins to choke on.

“I have no idea what you're talking about.”

“Uh huh.” He says smugly again, folding his arms over his chest.

“Seriously,” She puts her fork down on the plate in front of her. “Dustin gets along with everyone, so... there's nobody that he doesn't like, right? So what's the point of asking about it, or asking me? Shouldn't you ask Dustin about this?”

Huh. So she's actively cultivating her denial, Eugene thinks, amused. “Don't forget about prom. I know you're pretending to be related but nobody will care if you two go have fun together.” He says and gets up to clean his plate.

She doesn't say anything in response.

Eugene has other things on his mind though than his cousin's ailing love life. A promotion and an adorable kid for one thing. He has a party to plan. Half of the neighborhood has been invited to Leon's birthday celebration. This is in part because Eugene loves to have people over, but more discreetly because the infamous prom is coming up soon and he has fond memories of his own from back when he was in high school.

He's hoping that Dustin and Meghan can make up their minds, and like any good snoop he wants to see that they have healthy friendships and other options if they don't like each other in that way. He hopes that this is all the meddling he'll have to do.

Leon gets another few hours to play before the big event, and chooses to spend quality time with every single toy in the toy box (but especially Yanyan the Yeti).

He loves pandas, so even the cake is panda themed. Just as Lize finished making her famous fried peanut butter and banana sandwiches, a few kids arrive early, the studious Jennika Wong and party-animal Karl Helgasen who is already eyeing Drea in the other room.

Karl wastes no time in asking her to dance. “Heeeeeeey you're that smart girl who likes to yell insane things at people to get them to debate you later in club right? It's cool how nobody can tell if you're serious or not.”

“Thanks,” She says taking the compliment at face value. She already forgot his first name, but she likes to dance so it doesn't matter.

Edvin's girlfriend Candace came over without him. “He's applying for college grants so he didn't want to go out tonight. She explains. Hey, it that Deaf Llama? I love this song, crank it!”

The party gets underway despite some people's insistence on doing their own thing, or acting like they're starving literally to DEATH (ahem Meghan)

Candace annoys everyone by not celebrating the kid's birthday at all and sitting in front of the cake. Leon is too busy flicking his long hair around to notice she's in the way of it though, he can't wait to reach all the stuff on the counters.

Blocking the cake seems to be a theme at this party because Jennika does it next. The only difference is that she's not being ignorant or spiteful, she simply has an agenda. “So I don't want to go to prom alone.” She announces, not letting Dustin pass. “Let's both go and be not alone together.”

Dustin thought about how much he liked Meghan, who seemed so indifferent, who was probably dancing with Karl again, some kid she had just met. Was he just fooling himself, should he ask Meghan or would that be too much pressure on her?

If it was possible, Jennika jutted her hip out even further, impatient. She was obviously not used to talking to the opposite sex.

“I'll let you know...” He says vacantly.

“Great. Cool.” She says, leaving the room.

Soon, Candace...

Karl is dancing with Edvin's sister Lynn Oss-Valquist now, he never even stopped moving for cake.

Eugene contemplates the dance moves of the younger generation, hiding an amused smile behind his fork as he eats. “Does everyone your age dance as if they're trying to punch a kangaroo in the face?”

Dustin shrugged. “I've seen worse. That or they can do better.”

That's when Karl slipped and busted his ass on the floor. “See?” Dustin offered. “He'll pretend later that he did that on purpose.”

Jennika left immediately after having cake, so it was unclear whether she wanted an answer from Dustin or not. Eugene noticed her leave and he and Dustin shared a loaded look.

“She asked me to prom.” Dustin said, confused. As a junior in high school being asked by a freshman it seemed obvious that it was just an attempt to get to go to prom earlier than her grade was allowed, but he didn't know if he believed that after the way she'd left. It's as if she was embarrassed by asking him.

“Do you like her?” His cousin asked, cleaning up the plates.

A shrug again. “I just met her.” Forceful girls weren't really that cute, she had actually managed to make him kind of freaked out by it.

“Mm-hmm.' His cousin hummed. “You've never been serious about anybody before anyways, why not go for it?”

“Hey! I'm serious about Meghan!” He hissed, loud enough for Eugene to hear him.

“Then, ask Meghan.” Eugene retorts with the kind of flippant tone that says he can't possibly do it.

Dustin grumbles, not having a real response. Why do people always laugh at him when he's not trying to be funny?

His hands dropped limply to his sides. He hadn't tried anything more than flirty with Meghan for a reason. She just didn't seems ready for something like that. How could he explain this?

“She ran away from home with you.” Eugene pointed out mildly. "Hey your new girlfriend hasn't left yet."

"She put a pink letter in the mailbox, you got a love letter too!" I bet she sprayed her perfume on it and it smells like petunias!"

Dustin frowns, sure that's a lie. “I'm going to go finish my homework.” He says, leaving Eugene to laugh at his expense and his new 'girlfriend'.

“She's cute though in a bossy sort of way,” He says of Jennika. “Don't sleep here though.” He added when he saw Dustin setting up his sleeping bag. “Just wait until the party is over. It's like you're having a tantrum, or something.”

Meghan was somewhat oblivious to the drama that happened inside as she spent most of the evening standing in falling snow and looking for stars to name after herself or her alias. The last one had the honor of being named 'Drea's Bitch'. The one before that also carried the moniker 'Drea's Bitch'. Would it ever get boring?

Loki stayed long after several of the other guests had gone home and was pretty good company. Turns out he spent his free time writing and was pretty ambitious, she could see why he and Dustin got along so well as they were both creative types.

“The party was fun, tell everyone else I said thanks for the invite.” He says as he shrugs into his jacket.

“Sure. And hey Loki, if you don't have a date yet. do you want to go to prom with me?” She asked.

“Hmm. Maybe if you keep your hands to yourself,” he joked. They didn't know each other that well yet. “But sure, why not?”

“Awesome, call me with details?”

“Sure. See you later Drea.”

“Bye Loki, have a good night.”

Well that was easy.

Yeah Meghan doesn't really worry about stuff. Or rather, regarding social situations, who cares? It might all be a figment of her imagination after all, why not wing it and try new things? She treats life like a dream she may be having. 

Dustin is pretty cautious for a brave sim, but it's not like he can attack his girl trouble head on and 'defeat it', so he's somewhat out of his element.


  1. Hahaha, poor Dustin. That's a perfect example of a choice being made for you if you wait too long. I guess he'll be glad Jennika asked now. XD

    Meghan is pretty chill. It's cool how she chooses to just live in the moment instead of overthinking things. I love how her insane conversations with Dustin ends with her feeling less insane, just because someone is willing to humor her. They'll make a great couple. Now, if only someone can convince her...

  2. She's kind of like Maria from the sound of music only she sings less... but yeah nobody can pin her down, that sounds about right.

    And I really like Dustin, I feel bad for writing him this way but just makes too much sense, being good-humored makes him at odds with serious situations so it makes him clumsy in a way. Meghan simply has nothing to lose compared to anyone else, so she has an advantage in not letting people sway her decisions or change her mind.

    Eugene... I am enjoying way too much and I will miss playing him.

  3. Dustin. Needs. To. Just. Confess. His. Feelings. For. Meghan.

    Jeez Louise, happiness is not that difficult!

    Jenika seems /very/ forward, not an attractive quality, nope *shakes head* I guess that's what happens if you wait around for Mr/Miss Right, Mr/Miss Wrong will come and change things around.

  4. You have no idea how right you are. With... everything.

    I once told someone that happiness was a choice a person had to make and she looked at me and said, 'No it's not." And we went back and forth (yes it is, no it isn't, it totally is, etc). I've never been happy for no reason, which means I can influence my own happiness, I wish more people would see it this way.

  5. I think I'm the only one who's like "they're teens! They're young! Let them explore other relationships before settling down!" XD They have *plenty* of time to end up with each other.

    1. No you're not the only one I secretly like that too. People are really practical about who they chose for their future but in the sims it's all 'here's the only one for me babies now' XD

      I can't think of a single person I knew when I was a child who I liked enough to want to marry one day. Kids see the most selfish and worst sides of each other too because they're all still learning how to behave. And the gross way all the boys in school talked made them seem really dumb, so forget about most of them too...

  6. I think Dustin's theory about Jennika is right, she just asked so she could go to prom.

    And from Meghan's perspective, why not go to prom with Loki? He seems pretty cool and a fun date. Dustin should have already told her his feelings if he really wanted to go to prom together.

  7. Jennika seems like the selfish type, I assumed this based on her snotty expressions and bad social behavior lol

    Yeah he danced around too much to take her to this dance! (haw) /horriblejokes
